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Sports Chiropractic

person having back adjustedSports chiropractic is the branch of chiropractic geared towards injury management and rehabilitation of athletes. It focuses on the relationship between the muscles, joints, and nervous system, and their effect on athletic performance. We aim to reduce pain, so you can remain active, and achieve optimum sports performance.

Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we address acute and chronic injuries, work to strengthen weak areas to prevent further injury, and optimise athletic performance by achieving the highest level of neuromusculoskeletal functioning. Our chiropractor works with local sporting teams personnel to coordinate the best care for the athlete.

No matter the level of competition, injuries can occur. Utilising our services before activity may reduce the severity of your injury, and might prevent it from happening!

Why Chiropractic Care?

Athletes in sports like tennis, golf, basketball, baseball, track and more use sports chiropractic care. Many professional sports teams have made chiropractic care part of their health regimen. Chiropractors are trained in how structure relates to function; sports chiropractic is a natural extension of this training.

Many athletes choose chiropractors for better health, and preventative and performance-based care. Used broadly across many sports, chiropractic adjustment and other modalities may help improve overall performance, prevent injury, decrease downtime, and allow athletes to stay in peak condition. We recommend patients consider chiropractic first when an injury occurs, to decrease the likelihood of invasive surgery and further injury. It also provides drug-free relief, a benefit for those wishing to avoid medication.

Conditions We See

Patients often visit for a variety of complaints, including

  • Rotator cuff strains
  • Running injuries, including repetitive calf strains, shin splints and Achilles tendon injuries
  • Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) injuries, including back and hip strains, shoulder and neck injuries
  • Soccer, rugby league and AFL injuries, including back and hip strains, hamstring strains/low grade tears, knee
    ligament injuries and ankle sprains.
couple working out

Keeping Athletes in the Game

We start your healing process with basic chiropractic principles, adding a focus on strength and conditioning in the rehabilitation stage. We want to get you out of pain and get well in the shortest time possible, so you can return to the activities you love.

The next stage is rehabilitation, focusing on strength training, range of motion, flexibility, focus, coordination and mobility. We work with posture and muscle imbalances, and overused areas to optimise the body.

We see a wide range of athletes of all ages. Early intervention with sporting injuries may be crucial to the long-term welfare of the athlete and their athletic performance.

Book Your Visit Today

Sports chiropractic could make a difference for athletes at every level. Contact West Perth Chiro for an appointment.


Sports Chiropractic West Perth, Subiaco, West Leederville, Perth City WA | (08) 6556 8886